Shotcrete is a construction material, typically concrete, sprayed onto a surface at high velocity using a compressed air hose. It is generally used as a structural repair and waterproofing material. It is sometimes referred to as gunite. The first shotcrete machine was patented in 1907 by American taxidermist Carl Akeley.
How is Shotcrete Made?
Shotcrete is made by mixing cement, water, aggregate, and admixtures together to create a slurry. The slurry is pumped through a hose to a nozzle, which is mixed with compressed air. The nozzle operator controls the amount of material or shotcrete sprayed and its direction while projected onto the surface.
Types of Shotcrete
There are two main types of shotcrete: wet mix and dry mix. The choice of the wet mix or dry mix shotcrete will depend on the application and the preference of the shotcrete contractor.
Wet mix shotcrete
Wet mix shotcrete is a concrete mixture pre-mixed with water before being pumped to the nozzle. Wet-mix shotcrete has a higher water content than dry-mix shotcrete and is, therefore, more workable. This makes it ideal for applications where a high degree of finishing is required, such as swimming pools, architectural features, and so on.
Dry mix shotcrete
Dry mix shotcrete is a concrete mixture that is dry when pumped to the nozzle. The water is then added to the nozzle. Dry mix shotcrete has a lower water content and is, therefore, less workable.
This makes it ideal for shotcrete applications where a high degree of strength is required, such as tunnels, dams, and so on. Shotcrete is a strong and durable material resistant to weathering and erosion. It can be used in various climates and is easy to maintain.

Advantages of Shotcrete
A significant advantage of shotcrete over traditional concrete construction methods is that shotcrete can be placed on vertical or overhead surfaces without the need for formwork. This allows for the quick construction of concrete structures without needing expensive and time-consuming forms.
It is also a very cost-effective construction method, requiring less manpower and equipment than traditional methods. Shotcrete is a versatile construction material used in a wide range of weather conditions. In addition, shotcrete is also well-suited for repairing existing concrete structures.
It can be applied in a very thin layer, which makes it ideal for repairing cracks and other minor defects. The high velocity of the shotcrete material allows it to penetrate and bond to the existing concrete, providing a strong and durable repair.
Applications of Shotcrete in Melbourne
Shotcrete is a versatile product that can be used for a variety of applications, including repairing cracks in concrete, filling voids, and creating new structures. Shotcrete can be applied to vertical or horizontal surfaces and can be used to create curves and other shapes.
It is a fast and efficient way to create new structures such as walls, columns, and swimming pools. It can also be used in various settings, including construction sites, tunnels, and mines.

Creating a strong foundation for your project made easy
At CEMEX, we are committed to creating lasting solutions to ensure excellence through all stages of the concreting process.
The Efficiency of the Cemex Shotcrete Process
It is crucial to choose the right mix for the desired application and to properly place and cure the shotcrete to achieve the desired results. We know how to adjust the mix ratio of cement to aggregate to achieve the desired strength and how to adjust the amount of water added to achieve the desired workability.
Our team are experts at adding admixtures, such as accelerators, retarders, and waterproofing agents, to achieve the desired properties. We know how to increase or slow the rate of hydration or use waterproofing agents to make the shotcrete more resistant to water penetration.
Cemex knows how to place the shotcrete mix quickly and evenly to avoid segregation and achieve the desired properties. Our nozzle operators are skilled at preventing over- or under-projection, which can lead to a poor bond between the shotcrete and the surface.
Once the shotcrete is in place, it must be adequately cured to achieve the desired strength and durability. At Cemex, we can achieve curing by wetting the shotcrete, covering it with plastic, or using a steam curing process.
Shotcrete Experts in Melbourne
Cemex Concrete Company provides shotcrete services in Melbourne. Our shotcrete process can be used for a wide range of applications, from small-scale repairs to large-scale structural projects.
The main disadvantage of shotcrete is that it is a relatively new technology. In addition, shotcrete is a very messy process and can be challenging to clean up. However, there is no lack of trained personnel and equipment at Cemex, and our clean-up process is excellent.
If you are considering using shotcrete for a project, consult Cemex Concrete Company today to discuss your options and get a quote.